Dean Eva
Phone: 724-503-1001 x1360
Office: Rossin Campus Center

Eva Chatterjee-Sutton

Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students

Eva Chatterjee-Sutton于2013年7月加入华盛顿与杰斐逊学院,担任学生生活副总裁兼学生主任, with over 20 years in the field of student affairs. At W&伊娃院长继续致力于创造一个全面而强大的学生体验. 迄今为止,这在一定程度上是通过领导学生生活部的一个团队来证明的,这个团队的工作与学生成功和社区发展的价值观产生了共鸣. 她是总裁高级团队的一员,领导着一个由90多名敬业的员工组成的部门,他们深深致力于W的使命&J. Committed to the success of the whole student, 伊娃院长与学术事务和整个机构的同事密切合作, to craft a robust, caring and developmental student experience. Dean Eva has extensive experience with Title IX, Division III athletics, student conduct, Greek life, student governance, community engagement, residence life, student activities, career services, student leadership, and student health and counseling. 她是NCAA ADR研究所的协调人,也是高等教育会议法律问题和NASPA James E. Scott Academy.