Olin Art Gallery to host Here and There exhibit in February

Created: January 17, 2018  |  Last Updated: January 5, 2022  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

WASHINGTON, PA (Jan. 17, 2018)—Washington & Jefferson College (W&J) alumna and adjunct faculty member Emily Sciulli ’10 is returning to her roots to display her exhibition, Here and There, in the Olin Fine Art Gallery Feb. 2-25.

Emily’s artwork challenges the visitor to be present in their surroundings.

Here and There is a mixed media installation for the Olin Art Gallery based around ideas of the present moment, impermanence and the aspects of daily life that are discarded or overlooked,” Emily said in her artist statement.

The exhibit uses elements of sculpture, performance and a contemporary approach to printmaking, allowing visitors to interact with the art and leave their own mark in the gallery.

Emily examines everyday materials in her artwork to bring overlooked instances of daily life to the forefront of her visitor’s minds. The work is created from elements of daily life, such as preparing her daily cup of coffee.

“I use envelopes delivered to my apartment as the paper for [the coffee cup] prints,” Emily said. “Each of these envelopes is a unique artifact from these different moments. Making the print brings awareness and importance to what would otherwise be a forgotten moment of everyday life.”

The artist invites the audience into her exhibit with a personal piece of art: clay thumb impressions she’s collected from people in Pittsburgh and Washington, Pa. She’s inviting visitors to her Olin installation to keep one of the ceramic thumbprints as a way to connect strangers and facilitate empathy for others in their communities.

Another work in the installation allows visitors to walk through a thin layer of chalk before treading on black paper that covers the floor, leaving evidence of where they have been. She notes that the visitors’ participation creates a space that is constantly changing as with life itself.

Emily is excited to display her work in her alma mater.

“I am thrilled to exhibit my work at W&J. The College, and especially my former professors in the Art Department – Patrick [Schmidt], Doug [McGlumphy], Pat [Maloney] and John [Lambertson] - have always been incredibly supportive of my artistic practice. The education I received at W&J, including being able to study abroad in Florence, Italy, was the foundation of my current work,” she said. “It has been great to rejoin the W&J community as an adjunct faculty member. I've always hoped to be able to teach at the College. I'm so happy to have this opportunity.”

About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & Jefferson College, located in Washington, Pa., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. For more information about W&J, visit woib2yc3.sjmzzsc.com, or call 888-W-AND-JAY.

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